  • Ambulatory Care
  • Clinic Pharmacist
  • Community Pharmacist
  • Hospital Pharmacist
  • Pharmacologist
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Regulatory Affairs Specialist
  • Researcher
  • Toxicologist
  • Vaccinologist

For individuals who

Have attention to detail. Enjoy learning about chemical concepts. 

Looking for

Hands-on learning in state-of-the-art facilities. Rigorous STEM coursework. Community or hospital pharmacy-based internship experience. 

To become

  • Clinic Pharmacist
  • Community Pharmacist
  • Hospital Pharmacist
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Vaccinologist

目前的入门级药学博士课程旨在为您提供在任何环境下进入药房实践所需的专业能力,以确保最佳的药物治疗效果和患者安全, and to satisfy the educational requirements for licensure as a pharmacist.

The PharmD degree prepares you to accept positions in community, hospital, managed care, clinical, and industrial pharmacy. 其他潜在的机会包括制药公司和协会的行政职位. Also, 大学和制药行业的教学和研究职位对那些受过高级药学培训的人来说是极好的机会.

There are four routes to pursue admission to NDSU’s PharmD program.

Option 1: The Early Admission Pathway

NDSU药学博士课程的提前录取途径(EAP)是为想要负担得起的学业合格的高中生设计的, expedited path to a PharmD degree. 如果你对EAP感兴趣,你可以在高中最后一年申请.

Option 2: The Traditional Admissions Pathway

传统的入学途径是在满足大学的一般入学标准后,作为本科预科学生进入该项目. 一旦满足了所有必需的药学预科课程,你就可以申请药学博士课程. 药学预科课程可以在其他机构完成,NDSU会审查提交的转学记录,并确定是否符合NDSU的要求.

在满足学院的特定入学要求后,您可以在竞争的基础上进入最后四个专业年 Traditional Pathway page. 就读其他院校的学生必须与学院保持经常联系,以确定合适的课程.

The college is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, and is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).

Option 3: The Post-Baccalaureate Pathway

将于2023年5月或之前持有健康或STEM领域四年制学士学位的学生有资格通过新的申请申请进入NDSU的药学博士课程, streamlined pathway. 该途径的要求更少,因为我们的许多入学要求都是由在健康或STEM领域获得学士学位的学生隐性满足的. 如果申请人持有健康或STEM领域的学士学位,并且缺少关键的先决条件, 我们提供了一种方法,在开始药学博士课程之前,在夏季完成这些课程.

注意:NDSU药学计划鼓励持有健康或STEM领域一系列四年制学士学位的申请人, 从任何认可的学院或大学提供四年制学士学位课程. 希望在卫生专业学院攻读本科专业的学生可以通过完成我们的学位要求来实现 Bachelor of Science in Health Services program.

Option 4: Pharmacy Technician Pathway

你是在北达科他州有资格获得药剂技术员执照的药剂技术员吗, and who is interested in becoming a pharmacist? If so, 这个新途径旨在为您提供一个简化的途径,以满足NDSU药学计划的入学要求. 如果你在学院或大学完成了药学技术人员课程,并获得了课程的学分, all of those credits will count towards meeting our admission requirements.

Differential Tuition

Students in the pharmacy professional program (i.e, the final five years of study for students on the early admission path, and the final four years for students on the traditional admission path) are assessed a different tuition rate. 这种差异学费的评估是为了支付与该计划相关的较高成本.

Current Curriculum

The curriculum leading to the Pharm.D. degree requires a minimum of six years of study. 专业预科课程大约需要77个学时. 绝大多数必修的专业预科课程(按名称和编号列出)必须在春季学期结束前完成,然后才能进入传统路径的专业课程, or for early admission students, the final four years of the professional program. 在进入专业课程之前的夏季,最多可以获得六个选修学分.

四年的专业课程分为三年的校园教学教育和一年(40周)的体验式培训(高级药学实践经验),由合格的导师在各个实践场所进行. 在第一年和第二年的专业课程之后的夏季课程中会进行额外的介绍性体验式培训, as well as during the third professional academic year. A wide variety of experiential rotation offerings are available to students. 学生应该计划到法戈-穆尔黑德地区以外的地方旅行,以满足他们的体验式课程要求.

Our pharmacy program partners with PioneerRx,一个药房管理系统,以模拟当今药房的功能.