  • Trade Specialist
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Foreign Exchange Trader
  • Financial Trader
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Recruitment Consultant
  • Business Development Manager

For individuals who

Want to become experts in business efforts across national borders, gaining understanding in economic, social, technological, cultural, and regulatory differences.

Looking for

A second major to add onto your education in the College of Business, 让您获得必要的技能,在全球和多元文化的工作环境中竞争.

To become

  • Economist
  • International Marketing Manager
  • Management Analyst
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Foreign Service Officer

Background Information

国际高等商学院协会(AACSB International)对乐虎电子商学院的本科和研究生课程进行认证. 我们的商学院是北达科他州仅有的两所aacsb认证的商学院之一.

AACSB国际是高等教育最负盛名和最严格的认证机构之一, emphasizing a commitment to continuous improvement, innovation, engagement, and impact in business education. 全球只有不到10%的商业项目获得了这一认证, 突出了新大商学院的卓越学术成就.

The Program

Global Business is a second major, 这门课程只能加到商学院(i.e., accounting, business administration, finance, management, marketing, management information systems, or supply chain management). 本专业的课程设计旨在帮助学生在当今全球化和多元文化的工作环境中生存和发展. This is achieved through global learning, 无论是在国内的课堂上,还是通过世界各地的留学机会. 重点是帮助培养更具全球意识的学生,使他们能够跨文化进行有效的沟通, who are more open to diversity, who become more inter-culturally proficient, and who are aware of business issues in the international arena. 全球商务第二专业要求学生至少有3个海外学习学分和2个海外学习学分nd一年的语言能力以及一组面向国际的商业选修课程. 完成全球商业作为第二专业的课程要求, 学生需要完成全球商业专业和他们的主要商业专业的要求.

Selective Admission

希望在新大学习全球商业的学生在第一年的第一学期在商学院注册为其主修专业的预科学生. 进入该专业需要成功完成专业预科课程要求(engl120), COMM 110, MATH 144, ECON 201 or 202, 和PSYC 111或SOC 110)和最低累积平均绩点(GPA) 2.50, and declare Global Business as their second major. 转学生也可能有资格立即进入该专业. 联系商学院的专业顾问获取更多信息.

The Faculty

为我们的学生提供严谨和相关的教育经验, 我们课程的教师在各自的专业领域都具有很高的教学资格. 我们的教师因其卓越的教学而受到学生和同事的认可,并因其杰出的研究而受到同行的认可. 他们采用各种各样的教学技术,并将经典和前沿知识融入他们的课堂. 他们通过积极参与研究和/或与公司和商业专业人士就他们的商业实践保持最新的领域, challenges, and issues.

The Practicum

Students are encouraged to complete practicum experiences, ideally at the end of sophomore and junior years. 本课程旨在让学生将课堂上学到的商业概念与实际的商业情况结合起来,拓宽他们在课堂之外的视野. The practicum also gives students a competitive edge in job placement.

Career Opportunities

除了主修商科以外,再修国际商科的毕业生.e., accounting, business administration, finance, management, marketing, management information systems, or supply chain management), have career opportunities in business, industry, government service, and the non-profit sector, both regionally and globally. 最初的就业机会可能与他们的主要商业专业有关,全球商业能力是他们独特的职业提升因素.

The College

In addition to the global business major, the College of Business offers undergraduate majors in accounting, business administration, finance, management, marketing, management information systems, and supply chain management, as well as several minor and certificate opportunities. Full details about minors and certificate programs can be found at http://gri4.psozxd.com/business/programs/undergraduate/. 商学院还提供包括工商管理硕士在内的六个研究生课程, MBA in Agribusiness, Master of Accountancy, Master of Science in Business Analytics, Master of Supply Chain Management, and a Doctorate in Transportation and Logistics, as well as several graduate certificate programs. Full details about graduate certificate programs can be found at http://gri4.psozxd.com/business/programs/graduate/graduate_certificates/.

High School Preparation

建议有兴趣在大学学习全球商业的高中生至少通过微积分预科学习数学课程. High school electives in the social sciences, communication, foreign languages, and English also would be beneficial. 已圆满完成微积分先修课程的学生, Economics, English, Communication, 心理学或社会学可直接申请入读本专业. 请向商学院的专业顾问咨询更多信息.